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Dr. Helen Shih:: Glioblastoma: TAROS 2013

December 14th and 15th: CNS eContouring Workshop
Moderators: Dr. Jason Cheng
Instructors: Dr. Helen Shih

Author's Contours:
Author's contours disabled during homework period

Dr. Helen Shih Case Vignette
EduCase Features_v8_2013.pdf

Uploaded: 10/17/13 22:14 Taros Admin
Viewed: 330 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 116
Dose: No
Category: Past Events
Groups : TAROS
Image Modalities: CT, MR
Disease Site: Central Nervous system
Server locations: US
Dr. Nancy Lee:: Nasopharynx: TAROS 2013

December 14th and 15th: Nasopharynx eContouring Workshop
Dr. Jason Cheng
Instructors: Dr. Nancy Lee

Author's Contours:
Author's contours disabled during homework period

No Case Description - No Homework
EduCase Features_v8_2013.pdf

Case Owner: Dr. Quynh Le case 2: ASTRO 2011

Uploaded: 08/21/13 21:45 Taros Admin
Viewed: 312 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 168
Dose: No
Category: Past Events
Groups : TAROS
Image Modalities: CT
Disease Site: Head and Neck
Server locations: US

Contoured Structures: GTV 70, CTV 70, CTV low neck, Area Postrema, Chiasm, BODY, Brainstem, CTV 59.4, Esophagus, L BP, L Eye, L ON, L Parotid, L Temp Lobe, Larynx, 15 more structures...