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Dr. Natia Esiashvili:: Rhabdomyosarcoma: PROS Bangkok 2019

PROS Contouring Workshop Bangkok June 19, 2019

Dr. Natia Esiashvili

Contour Homework:
GTV T1 post on slices 65, 78, 81, 91
CTV on slices 65, 78, 81, 91
Optic Chiasm on slices 75, 78
Optic Nerve L on slices 78, 81

Disabled Contours: All contours disabled
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
- NE Rhabdomyosarcoma Vignette PROS Bangkok 2019
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide
- EduCase Metrics Guide (basic)

Uploaded: 05/02/19 13:51 PROS Admin
Viewed: 244 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 145
Dose: No
Category: Past Events
Groups : _06192019_PROS_Bangkok
Image Modalities: CT, MR
Disease Site: Central Nervous system
Server locations: US, Singapore

Contoured Structures: GTV T1 post, CTV, Optic Chiasm, Optic Nerve L, HPA
Dr. Natia Esiashvili:: Rhabdomyosarcoma: PROS Brazil 2018

PROS April 28th, 2018 Sao Palo, Brazil
11:15 am – 11:45 pm: Ewing and RMS – Interactive cases
Dr Natia Esiashvili and Thafarel Machado

GTV T1 post on slices 65, 78, 81, 91
CTV on slices 65, 78, 81, 91
Optic Chiasm on slices 75, 78
Optic Nerve L on slices 78, 81

Disabled Contours: All contours disabled
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
NE Rhabdomyosarcoma Vignette PROS 2018
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide
- EduCase Metrics Guide (basic)

Uploaded: 04/10/18 20:47 PROS Admin
Viewed: 116 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 145
Dose: No
Category: Past Events
Groups : _04282018 PROS Brazil
Image Modalities: CT, MR
Disease Site: Central Nervous System
Server locations: US, Sanpalo, Singapore

Contoured Structures: GTV T1 post, CTV, Optic Chiasm, Optic Nerve L, HPA